Ariel's Interior Design Portfolio

Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am currently an interior design major at Washington State University. Interior design is one of my biggest interests, and I plan on making a fun and exciting career out of it. The area that I am most interested in specializing in is ecological sustainability through interior design, while simultaneously maintaining functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. I plan on graduating WSU with a masters degree in interior design, then traveling over the world furthering my career and design experiences.

These are some projects and sketches I did while in summer school 2010. This was the first interior design class I have taken.

Monday, October 25, 2010

This is one angle of the finished twins room project. I wanted to have the finished project displayed in a fun and energetic manner, and I thought a 3-d representation of all of the aspects of the room did just that. This angle is of the floor plan, a rendered perspective of one of the walls of storage, and paint samples of the wall and soffet colors in the room.

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