Ariel's Interior Design Portfolio

Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am currently an interior design major at Washington State University. Interior design is one of my biggest interests, and I plan on making a fun and exciting career out of it. The area that I am most interested in specializing in is ecological sustainability through interior design, while simultaneously maintaining functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. I plan on graduating WSU with a masters degree in interior design, then traveling over the world furthering my career and design experiences.

These are some projects and sketches I did while in summer school 2010. This was the first interior design class I have taken.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wheelchair Experience

This was an assignment we had for studio where my partner and I went around to various places on campus- in a wheelchair- to experience some of the problems people in wheelchairs deal with. I thought this was very fun, it was definitely tiring and at times frustrating, but it really helped me to understand some of the problems people face. Some issues I ran into were trying to find an entrance into a building without stairs, trying to wheel myself up a hill, and we had considerable trouble trying to fit into spaces and around corners. A lot of the spaces were way too small, and we could not get into them- such as bathroom stalls. Not being able to fit into spaces or down hallways showed the importance of universal design-because there are many people in chairs that need to access everything that someone who's not in a chair does. Universal design is very relevant and very important, and being in a wheelchair for that small amount of time was helpful. I have a better understanding of the needs and limitations that can be eliminated with proper and thoughtful design.

Master Bathroom process work

This is the book that I put together of all of the process work in creating the bathroom. The process work is very helpful when designing, and it definitely takes a lot of brainstorming and sketching to come to the "final" product. With the packet, its convenient to have because when I'm revising the design, I can go back and look at work that I've already done and see what I did well, and what needs to be fixed for the final product.

Master Bathroom Sketch Model

This is a light study model of the master bathroom made from foam board. It shows how light hits the room, and highlights the areas where more/better lighting will be needed depending on the time of day, placement of walls, etc. I had been using note card paper to create previous study models, and they never turned out as well as this one. Foam board is a sturdier product- much more difficult to work with of course- but it produces cleaner, more professional looking models, so I will continue to use it. The model is to scale, 1/2"=1'. It is however missing a window on the west, (right) side next to the soaking tub, so I will need to go back and cut that out for the final presentation model.

Master Bathroom Boards

These boards are the finished master bathroom. The boards feature my parti sketch for the room, the final 1/2" = 1' scale floor plan, various elevations, and all of the materials and fixtures. I wanted the bathroom to have a natural looking style, so I incorporated numerous types of stone and metals as well as bamboo plants to help incorporate some outdoor elements inside. The neutral grey concrete flooring helps to bring together all of the colors used, and the back-lit green onyx wall provides a warm glow that highlights all of the colors in the room.
I really enjoyed designing the master bathroom, and I chose to focus on it because it is the most intimate and private bathroom in the house. It calls for special attention, and I feel I put elements into it that gives it a special feel. As far as the way it turned out, I am pleased. Bathrooms were similar to kitchens in respect to all of the specific measurements that are required, and it was challenging getting everything to fit/and or work properly with the necessary codes and NKBA guidelines. For the final bathroom design/display, I thin k I need to work on organization and how things are laid out on the board in order to more effectively communicate the ideas and aspects of the room.