Ariel's Interior Design Portfolio

Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am currently an interior design major at Washington State University. Interior design is one of my biggest interests, and I plan on making a fun and exciting career out of it. The area that I am most interested in specializing in is ecological sustainability through interior design, while simultaneously maintaining functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. I plan on graduating WSU with a masters degree in interior design, then traveling over the world furthering my career and design experiences.

These are some projects and sketches I did while in summer school 2010. This was the first interior design class I have taken.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Master Bathroom Sketch Model

This is a light study model of the master bathroom made from foam board. It shows how light hits the room, and highlights the areas where more/better lighting will be needed depending on the time of day, placement of walls, etc. I had been using note card paper to create previous study models, and they never turned out as well as this one. Foam board is a sturdier product- much more difficult to work with of course- but it produces cleaner, more professional looking models, so I will continue to use it. The model is to scale, 1/2"=1'. It is however missing a window on the west, (right) side next to the soaking tub, so I will need to go back and cut that out for the final presentation model.

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