Ariel's Interior Design Portfolio

Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am currently an interior design major at Washington State University. Interior design is one of my biggest interests, and I plan on making a fun and exciting career out of it. The area that I am most interested in specializing in is ecological sustainability through interior design, while simultaneously maintaining functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. I plan on graduating WSU with a masters degree in interior design, then traveling over the world furthering my career and design experiences.

These are some projects and sketches I did while in summer school 2010. This was the first interior design class I have taken.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Grandparent's Apartment

This is a sketch-up model of the grandparents residence I designed last semester. I am just learning how to use the program, and for the most part it is pretty easy. I am learning new shortcuts and tools that will make my models look better with practice, but I do like the way this view of the living area from the kitchen turned out. Although it took a lot longer than I expected, I learned a ton of stuff about how sketch-up works including commands and tools that allow me to import pictures/ 3-D models from other places that give the model texture and variety to make it more realistic. For this model, I went online to find manufacturers' pictures of actual materials I had specified for the apartment, and imported the colors and textures into things such as the carpet, and the wood to show how it would actually look in the space. For the furniture, I had more of a conceptual understanding of how it would look, so I used furniture similar to what I planned/envisioned from the warehouse to put into the model. I learned that picking an interesting as well as functional view into the space I'm making in sketch-up is one of the most important factors, and doing that will help show off the space I designed as well as create an interesting picture.

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