Ariel's Interior Design Portfolio

Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am currently an interior design major at Washington State University. Interior design is one of my biggest interests, and I plan on making a fun and exciting career out of it. The area that I am most interested in specializing in is ecological sustainability through interior design, while simultaneously maintaining functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. I plan on graduating WSU with a masters degree in interior design, then traveling over the world furthering my career and design experiences.

These are some projects and sketches I did while in summer school 2010. This was the first interior design class I have taken.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

This is a poster I designed to represent the artist I have chosen as inspiration for my art hotel. The artists' name is Aaron Reed, originally from Portland, Or. I enjoy the beautiful photographs full of energy, color and interest that Reed takes, which was the reason I chose him, and I plan to incorporate his artful photographs into both the physical and aesthetic aspects of my bed and breakfast hotel. As far as the design goes, I am pleased with the overall look of the poster. The dark background contrasts the bright photographs very well, and the layout allowed me to display a decent amount of photographs to better show Reed's work. Unfortunately I see now how the white writing is not easy to read, and that could be frustrating for someone trying to gather information from the poster. In the future I will remember how that had a negative impact on the poster's final appearance, and find a different way to convey the written information.

Design Poster

This poster represents The Colonial Revival design style, popular in the early 1900's. I love this style, and I think the poster effectively conveyed how the Colonial Revival period looked. I chose a textured background in a neutral color, common in this particular era, and chose bright, clear photos to represent evidence of the design style. In order to show a wide variety of elements used in this time period, I used photos of lighting, door handles, trim, bedding, and full views into various rooms of houses to provide an in depth look at the revival design style. Since I am designing a modern hotel utilizing aspects of this Colonial style, I tried to find photos showing actual spaces of that time period (the bedroom), as well as more current interpretations of the design to show how I could potentially use them, and how they would look now. I am very pleased with the outcome of the poster.

Habitat for Humanity

These are renderings of my final house design and floor-plan I did for a potential new house to be built for Habitat for Humanity. The concept I developed for the design of the house revolved around ideas of comfort, simplicity, and stability. The budget for the entire project- construction included was $80,000, which posed a great challenge. It was a fantastic experience to develop plans and construction designs for the organization while staying under budget. I had (still have) pretty limited knowledge concerning allocation of funds, costs of materials, etc., and working on this helped me tremendously to get a feel for how operations work, and how I need to go about dealing with budgets. An aspect that was helpful in this project were the necessary guidelines Habitat established. The house needed to be under a certain amount of square footage, and the material selection was previously chosen. These details were helpful to me in designing the house. I was able to focus on spacial arrangements, and planning, which is an area I need much more practice with. As I was discussing the final design with the Habitat representatives, I became aware of problems in the design relating to proper spacial allocation, and arrangement of rooms. Some things I learned that will be helpful for future reference were placement/direction of doors to enhance certain rooms, building closets back to back in adjoining rooms to conserve space/ building materials, and universal plumbing walls to cut down on costs and for convenience of installation. Taking all of these aspects into account will absolutely help me create better designs in the future, and I really enjoyed working on this project. It was a great learning experience all around.
Master Bedroom

Final Floor-Plans